The human born in heavenly state is molded by the people who have lost themselves.
We think with the brain and the brain gives us ego. That is the enemy for the coming years to find out who we are.
Wrong choices will cross or paths, painful moments will hit our heart this is the war inside us all.
Some of us will lose everything, first friends and family then hope and future.
Or even worse they will lose the kingdom that they are if the ego will win this war.
There is a second ego not many are aware the ego of one that creates Hell on earth.
This happens when to many hearts are destroyed inside. Then ego’s come together for the ending fight.
This form of war is far more worse; it is between countries who want to be first. For oil and money for power to control.
This war can only be won when heavenly hearts are saved and ego is a protector and not anymore the heart attacker.
Never forget our history the first atomic bomb in Hiroshima.
The millions of lost hopes died in Hell millions of Jews in World War 2.
Even in religions we see what humans did wrong but have we learn from the alarms in history and hearts?
Is there hope for world peace, I do not know this answer because to many hearts are already gone.
They give up the heavenly kingdom inside themselves. See the world as it is live and die and then the nothing.
Live and die and then the nothing is a lie from ego to keep you calm.
What can we do for a better world, what can we change when the elite deceives us for overflow to them.
Oil and money total control already this have tried before in history.
Have we not learn from the mistakes and choices from History.
Every ego stronger then hearts I am your enemy.
Every ego protecting the heart I am your follower.
Come back to the heavenly heart before all ego’s will end the hope for peace.
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Awaken heavenly heart
- Details
- Geschreven door Cornelis Johannes van Zundert
- Categorie: Gedichten
- Hits: 1282